LISA Laser Products GmbH
About us
LISA Laser Products was founded in Katlenburg-Lindau in 1989. Since then, the company has been the world's leading developer and supplier of surgical laser systems for minimally invasive and endoscopic laser surgery. From research and development to production and sales, all steps are covered at the Katlenburg-Lindau site.
The incentive for continuous product development at LISA Laser Products is the striving for optimization of minimally invasive and endoscopic laser surgery - for the benefit of patients, users and business partners. Product and application development is carried out in close cooperation with leading national and international researchers, research centers and professional associations.
Worldwide, LISA has the most extensive experience in the field of commercial medical lasers in the wavelength range of 2 µm. A main focus of expertise is on diode-pumped solid state and barrel lasers with holmium and thulium doped crystals of all types.
A network of more than 70 distribution partners exists for worldwide sales. The keystone of LISA's corporate philosophy is long-term cooperation with sales partners and customers based on mutual trust.
Products and Services
The main field of application for LISA lasers is in endourology. Here, LISA serves both hard and soft tissue ablation. In this regard, urinary stone therapy is classified in the first group and was previously performed with a classic holmium laser of the SphinxTM product family. In recent years, these procedures have increasingly been performed with the RevoLixTM product family, in particular RevoLixTM HTL (Hybrid Thulium Laser). Today, the main application of this product family can still be found in prostate treatment.
In addition to medical lasers, optical fibers for endoscopic procedures are also manufactured and distributed. Here, too, LISA provides end customers with both disposable and reusable products.
LISA Laser Products GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Str. 4
D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
Tel.: +49(0)5556 / 99 38 65
LaVision GmbH | Ludwig Nano Präzision GmbH