Berufsbildende Schulen II Göttingen
About us
Enabling our students to organize their professional and private lives actively are the priorities of our work. Therefore we have been focussing our educational work on promoting the necessary competences in our student-active lessons to make them achieve the targets of their learning activities by themselves.
Our educational offer refers to local students who are interested in technical / industrial or creative activities. This offer is meant for students who want to receive the Certificate of Secondary Education (Hauptschulabschluss), as well as for those juveniles who want to receive the Secondary School Certificate (erweiterter Realschulabschluss), the Advanced Technical College Certificate (Fachhochschulreife) or High School Diploma for the entrance to a university.
Among our central tasks is the education of our trainees in the professional fields of technology and media design.
In order to offer young students in our region a future-oriented education the ongoing development of our teaching skills and thus of the quality of our educational work is a given.
What we offer
"Berufseinstiegsschule" (preparation for a training) for technology, media design, structural engineering, painting, timbering and metal technology
“Berufsvorbereitungsjahr”: to prepare for working life
“Berufseinstiegsklasse”: to achieve the Certificate of Secondary Education (Hauptschulabschluss)
Secondary School Certificate for one year: structural engineering, chemicals, physics and biology; electrical engineering, painting and decoration, timbering and metal technology, as a rule it is the first year of training.
Training College for two years: technology, after one year the Secondary School Certificate can be achieved Realschulabschluss or erweiterter Realschulabschluss)
Training College for techniques of design (Gestaltungstechnische/r Assistant/in to achieve the Advanced Technical College Certificate (Fachhochschulreife).
Technical Highschool for structural engineering, electrical engineering, metal technology, information technology and technology for design and the media to achieve a Highschool Diploma (A-level exam)